The Wormy Archives

Hello guy and fan of Wormy I though I would carry on this tradition that this guy started a couple of years ago here At the time I backed up all the pages and I even have some original that I will add soon here!! hope you enjoy it. If you see anything missing do not hesite to tell me 

I’ll try to upgrade the original images here eventually has it go. It will allow to.
#haroog Source Artwork of David A. Trampier and he did so much more to here

Issue #Month/YearDescription
9Sep ’77The dwarves want their bowling balls back.
10Oct ’77Wormy explains to Irving how he got the bowling balls.
11Dec ’77What wears chainmail and looks like black pudding? Squashed dwarves.
12Feb ’78Frank and Dudly watch Wormy have an Apple Eptic Seisure.
13Apr ’78Irving serves up Barbecue Dwarf Burgers.
14May ’78Floyd, Jack and Rudy chase a dwarf in Wormy’s lair.
15June ’78Wormy shows his counters for Backgammon
16July ’78Trouble at the Dwarf Burger stand
17Aug ’78Wormy squishes some Goblins at Irving’s Dwarf burger joint.
18Sep ’78Frank and Dudly crack a Demon ball on Wormy’s snooker table.
19Oct ’78The demon rips the trolls to shreds
20Nov ’78Frank and Dudly steal one of the Demon balls to go have fun with the Ogres
29Sep ’79Recap of Wormy so far
30Oct ’79Wes and Butch play chess.
31Nov ’79Wes and Butch talk to the Ogres about which way the dwarves went
32Dec ’79Wormy theorizes about the demon balls
33Jan ’80Frank and Dudly fight a bunch in the river
34Feb ’80Wes and Butch hunt for dwarves.
36Apr ’80Frank gets Catfish and Bender to help with Dudly’s burns
39Jul ’80Catfish puts the firelillies on Dudly’s burns
42Oct ’80The Ogres stumble upon the trolls and Frank breaks the demon ball
43Nov ’80The Ogres argue about the trolls and the demon comes out of the ball
44Dec ’80The demon creates havoc, the trolls escape and Catfish takes the demon out.
47Mar ’81Irving has a dream.
48Apr ’81Irving screws with Wormy – makes him think a demon is in the snooker table
49May ’81Gremorly summons Solomoriah, the shadow cat.
50June ’81Wormy explains how he got all of his gold.
51July ’81Gremorly and the shadow cat take off to find Wormy
52Aug ’81Ace uses his decoys to catch goblins
54Oct ’81Ace uses his decoys to catch Fred, the stonedrake
55Nov ’81Rudy and Otis search in the yggdrazzle trees for trolls
56Dec ’81Wormy drops a demon ball down the hole on Haunted Hill
57Jan ’82The Ogres talk to ace about miniatures vice the real thing.
58Feb ’82Gremorly and the shadow cat get close to Wormy’s lair
60Apr ’82Roy and Roy do the handshake of the mysterious brotherhood of trolls
61May ’82Ed and two other goblins fight hobgoblins on Wormy’s table
62June ’82Ace, Fred, Hambone, Wormy and Irv play expanded Grottos and Goblins
63July ’82The wizard and shadowcat arrive at Wormy’s lair
64Aug ’82Gremorly puts the Ogres under a spell in Wormy’s lair
65Sep ’82Gremorly raids Wormy’s treasure and stumbles upon sumptin bad
66Oct ’82Another battle with a demon.
67Nov ’82Rudy and Otis get caught trying to make off with Wormy’s loot.
68Dec ’82Rudy and Otis try to negotiate out of taking the loot.
69Jan ’83The showdown with the shadowcat starts.
70Feb ’83The battle with the shadowcat
71Mar ’83One of the Ogres meets Gremorlys magical guardian.
72Apr ’83Gremorly opens a portal to get away with the demon balls
73May ’83Gremorly puts Hambone and one of the Ogres under a spell
74June ’83Wormy and Ace battle Gremorly
75July ’83Aw, no more Gremorly
76Aug ’83Snooker and the end of the shadow of Solomoriah.
77Sep ’83Frank and Dudley reminisce about the day’s events
78Oct ’83Frank and Dudley meet up with Squir’l
79Nov ’83Jordan talks to the boys at the Stump about the mudsucker
80Dec ’83Jed shows up at the Stump for a drink
81Jan ’84Jed gets in the poker game and shows his wanted posters.
82Feb ’84Frank and Dudley get wise to what Jed is up to.
83Mar ’84Frank and Dudley out to cool off at the swimming hole.
84Apr ’84Wormy gets his “Siege of the Iron Keep” delivered
85May ’843 eyed frogs and 2 headed turtles
86Jun ’84Catfish and Bender out for a leisurely day of fishing ………..
87Jul ’84Boon and Rock? fishing from the bank
88Aug ’84Wormy test fires the cateypults
89Sep ’84Bender finds out what the inside of a mudsucker looks like
90Oct ’84Catfish and Bender get their limit for the day.
91Nov ’84More firing of the cateypults.
92Dec ’84Two headed turtle and a riddle book.
93Jan ’85More Iron Keep and Wormy sends Irv and Fred to Skeeters Grove
94Feb ’85Ace tells Wormy about running into the Storm Giant who was asking about him.
95Mar ’85Catfish and Bender go by a group at the entrance to Toad Town.
96Apr ’85The spectacular entrance to Toad Town as only Tramp could have done it.
97May ’85Butch and Wes pay a visit to the post office in Toad Town.
98June ’85Butch and Wes in Toad Town.
99July ’85More Butch and Wes in Toad Town.
100Aug ’85The Giants reach Haunted Hill.
101Sep ’85The Giants find out why they call it Haunted Hill
102Oct ’85Frank and Dudly playing a game of assassin.
103Nov ’85Irv and Fred make it to Skeeter’s Grove and Barney doesn’t like hitlist games.
104Dec ’85Irving and Fred putting up “for hire” posters and Jed overhears them talking.
105Jan ’86Irving at the Stump to hire the crew to build the Iron Keep.
106Feb ’86Talking to Charly at the Stump and suckin’ back a few Trolls Choke beers.
107Mar ’86Frank and Larry meet their new “employers”.
108Apr ’86Jed watches Wormy as he sets traps for the Giants.
109May ’86Jed figuring out how to use Wormy’s own traps against him.
110June ’86The Giants reach Ace’s place, but he’s ready.
111July ’86Frank and Larry get into a scrap with a giant Roc in their new home.
112Aug ’86Frank and Larry meet up with Amos and find out what is in store for them.
113Sep ’86Troll bridge.
114Oct ’86Irving arrives at Wormy’s with the construction crew.
115Nov ’86Jed breaks down and asks Irving for a job.
116Dec ’86Hambone ends up testing Wormy’s traps.
117Jan ’87Hambone tells what the Giants did to Ace.
118Feb ’87A troll tries to talk Rudy into setting them free.
119Mar ’87The Ogres meet Achorrath, the storm giant.
120Apr ’87Achdorrath signals the other giants that he found Wormy’s lair.
121May ’87Ace tries to escape.
122June ’87Good ‘ol Hambone.
123July ’87Dudley tells Irving of his suspicions about Jed.
124Aug ’87Grumble and Snaggly making off with the loot.
125Sep ’87Rock and Dudley fire the hammer bow.
126Oct ’87The Ogres challenge Wormy to a wargame.
127Nov ’87The particulars of the game are worked out.
128Dec ’87The Ogres work on their game strategy.
130Feb ’88Catfish making off with a pair of Wormy’s demon balls.
131Mar ’88Bender gets nailed for not having a fishing license.
132Apr ’88Seven years of bad luck for bender……….but what does Louie want?????????